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Spike's Big Vectrex Page

Rob Gentile Logo    Jeff Cossey Logo

Welcome... To my humble site


There has always been a cult Vectrex following, but now that people can accurately experience those games on an average DOS, Windows9x, Macintosh, or UNIX computer, there is no reason that this game system shouldn't get the recognition it deserves. Unlike other units, the graphics are still detailed and fluid as ever. My friend and I continue to enjoy his Vectrex as much as we did 20 years ago. Due to the vector monitor, the look, feel, and play, are still unique among all game consoles, past and present. It even achieved full color/true 3D before it was sucked into the great video game crash of the 80's, and now, many years later, Narrow Escape has become the first emulated game in history to utilize blue/red glasses for true 3D (the MESS emulator has since tackled the other 2 3D games). So join us in our madness, but be Tetris, the games are deceptively simple, but very addictive....

What is emulation?
Emulators are computer programs that runs the original program code from an arcade machine, home video game, or computer. Visit for other emulation resources.

Feel free to link to us...
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Site Highlights: Frequently Asked Questions 5.2, game instruction manuals, Realaudio of the Vectrex team speaking, Vectrex emulators, links, ROMs, scan gallery, screenshots, original/new overlays, various articles/utilities and curiosities, and The News...
For a listing of NEW GAMES, visit Emulation, and see below...


When in Las Vegas, please visit the Pinball Hall of Fame.
Over 200 machines, from the 1950's to Present.


We're Closed, but...
Please continue to submit your Vectrex news to VectrexMuseum,, and VectrexWorld... Also, the most active Vectrex forum on the internet is currently at Vector Gaming Forums...

(Click to launch Vectrex Emulator in a browser window)


What's New? Yes, occasionally something actually happens...
For more news:

Vector Gaming Forums
(Most active Vectrex forum)



Vectrex Wiki

YouTube: Vectrex

eBay: Vectrex Auctions

Google Images: Vectrex

Japan: Vectrex (Images)
or to view in your browser:

Vectrex Game Database

Kristof's Vectrex Page
for New Games

rett's Vectrex Preserve
GeoFury Unlimited (games)
Revival Studios
Richard's Vectrex Hardware
Vectrex Resource Center
John Dondzila - Classic
Game Creations

Official MESS Homepage
Vectrex (Germany)



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Vectrex Regeneration for iPad, iPhone, and iPod! iOS9 Update!
Rantmedia Games has recently released the Vectrex Regeneration Emulator App. It is a FREE app that let's you experience Minestorm on your favorite Apple device, and gives you access to various classic and homebrew  Vectrex games for a small fee. It is extremely professional, polished product, and may be the most fun way to play Vectrex short of playing on the real thing. Without delay, all Vectrexers/Apple Users should head right on over to the iTunes Vectrex Regeneration Page to get this impressive FREE app!... UPDATE 2/11/16: Word from the Vectrex Regeneration team is that an update is now available. Go to the iTunes store, the Rantmedia site, or the Vectrex news sites for the latest...

Mail Plane Released!!! Cart for Sale!
Although Spike's Page is dormant, we couldn't resist adding this little piece of (very old) news. Apparently, it's a fully-playable complete version. For the full story check out this thread in Vector Gaming Forums (currently the most active online Vectrex community). Also, carts have been made and are currently available at Madtronix. If you just want to grab the ROM, you can find it (and Pitcher's Duel and Tour De France) in the download section of VectrexWorld... Big thanks to Vectrexer, the current owner of the cart!... If you don't have an actual Vectrex with lightpen, we recommend downloading the ParaJVE emulator and using it to run the game ROM. An instructional video for getting the game running is here...

Replacement Controller Overlays
RWAP Software has been offering high-quality replacement controller overlays. Check out the US GCE overlays here, and the European MB overlays here. Apologies for the late news...

Kristof Tuts Wins Homebrew of the Year Award!
Retrocade Magazine has awarded its coveted Braumeister Award for 2011 to Kristof Tuts for his instant-classic, Vector Pilot! Kristof has put years of programming into both Vector Pilot and Vectrexians, and this is a fitting tribute to his programming skills. Check out the Spring 2012 issue of Retrocade Magazine here, which (coincidentally) also includes an interview with the "Father of the Vectrex" Jay Smith. You can order Vector Pilot and Vectrexians here...

"Warrior" Release Announced!
Fury Unlimited has recently announced a release date of June 14th 2012 for their newest Vectrex game, Warrior. That will be a limited release of 150, so get your pre-order in to reserve your copy. For information about the game, visit Fury Unlimited here. Information on how to pre-order has been posted to this Vector Gaming Forum thread. They have also announced approximate release dates for 2 other future games: "Tailgunner":October 2012 and "I, Cyborg II":2013...

Vector Pilot (and Vectrexians) Available!  *Game Spotlight*
After years of development, 2 of the most advanced games ever for the Vectrex are available from Kristof Tuts. Vectrexians has been out for over a year, and Vector Pilot has just recently been released for order. For details, please visit the official site. To see these marvelous games in action, please check out these video links:

Vector Pilot: Youtube 1  Youtube 2  Youtube 3  Youtube 4  Youtube 5  Youtube 6
Vectrexians: Youtube 1  Youtube 2  Youtube 3  Youtube 4  Youtube 5

Vectrex Commercial Mania!
Culled from around the internet, we now have good-quality video of 5 vintage Vectrex commercials. Not only have we replaced the old commercial we posted years ago from an old Betamax tape, but there is an new American Commercial (2 variations) and a commercial from Finland (2 variations). Download them here in MP4:

Original Commercial   American Commercial 2   American Commercial 3
Finnish Commercial 1   Finnish Commercial 2

The Vectrex Games Database Re-Launch!
The Vectrex Museum has relaunched The Vectrex Games Database, complete with updated information. This is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in Classic or New Vectrex Games and projects. It is arguably the best listing of all Vectrex ROMs (and hardware projects) on the internet...

Pitcher's Duel ROM Download!  *Game Spotlight*
Legendary unreleased Vectrex game Pitcher's Duel, is now available for download for use on the Vectrex emulators, like MESS and ParaJVE. Like Tour De France, it is a a long-rumored game that finally can see the light and be enjoyed by all! Download the ROM here...

Modified Genesis and SNES Controllers for Vectrex...
RecycledGamer is currently offering several modified controllers for Vectrex, as well a reproduction light pen... Please visit their site for details and for ordering information...

New Game from Revival Studios: Shifted!
Revival Studios has recently released an exciting new puzzle game called Shifted!  Visit the official site for more details and ordering information...

ParaJVE: The JAVA Vectrex Emulator!
Available for several years now, ParaJVE is an advanced Vectrex emulator for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is arguably the best emulator currently available and the only one that can run games with advanced graphics such as Protector/Yasi. Check it out at the official site...


2012 Updates End Here.
Below are Updates up through 2008

Pitcher's Duel Prototype Found! To Be Sold at CGE...
From the CGE2007 Site:

The long-rumored Pitcher’s Duel for the Vectrex has been found and will make its debut at Classic Gaming Expo 2007!  Not only will it be shown, it will be available for purchase in limited quantities!  There will be 100 copies available complete with a box, manual, and special edition transparent green cartridge shell!  There will also be 100 loose cartridges in standard grey cartridge cases available at a discounted price.  The pricing will be announced at the show.  The loose cartridges will be made available after CGE, but once the special editions are gone, they’re gone forever.

New, Improved Dark Tower Overlay for MESS
We have received a new Dark Tower overlay for MESS. Made from the large printable scan, it's an overlay that looks better, has more legible text, and a smaller file size. The new PNG file is here.

New Sector-X from Fury Unlimited by End of 2007...
Sector-X is the new Vectrex game planned at Fury Unlimited (George Pelonis). After an interlude related to the development of the first 3D homebrew game on Vectrex (Lord of the Robots, tested in ReVival #34 ), it's the return of the good ole' 2D shoot'em ups on this machine, specialist of the genre. George clearly lays cards on the table: he wants this game to be the best he has ever developed. For the moment, no screenshot leaked, only preview box artwork is visible.

While you're at Fury Unlimited, be sure to check out they're previous release, Vector 21 / Star Fury 3D...

CGE 2K7, Coming Back to Vegas!...
The Classic Gaming Expo will be held July 28 and July 29 at the Rivera Hotel, right on the Las Vegas Strip. No word yet on which Vectrex luminaries will be attending yet, but we will keep you posted :)... To view discussion on this year's expo, check out this Digital Press Forum. There will be shuttle service between the expo and the Pinball Hall of Fame Museum...

New Games-A-Rama!
Here's our roundup of all recent Vectrex game releases:


All the above ROMs: (289k)

Spike and Molly Starring in "Love Conquers All"
Thanks to Sascha and Alexandra of New Mass Productions, there is now a video testament to Spike and Molly's love. Although it's basically just a .wmv video clip of the game Spike in action, between the music and other artistic flourishes it's easily the most charming clip to have passed through this site. Thanks to MB for posting this to our messageboard late last year...

Experimental Vectrex Photo
Courtesy Danny Geurtsen, this photograph is the product of dim lighting, lava lamp backlighting, the flicker of the display, and an accidentally jarred camera. The result is a seemingly holographic Vectrex game that leaps off the display. This is what Cube Quest could have been :). Pretty cool...

Vectrex Logic Board Illustration
Courtesy of Ron from RGV, we now have a beautifully rendered illustration of the Vectrex Logic Board, suitable for framing. The picture file is here. The RGV thread is here.

German Telematch Magazine Review
Vectrex Guy has received some scans of a German article reviewing the Vectrex. Check them out here.

The Vectrex Spectrum Stress Tester
At Manu's Vectrex Game Database, there there are now pictures of one of the Vectrex's arcade incarnations, the Spectrum Stress Tester. Also at that site, there are pictures of Cube Quest in action here...

Mr. Boston Vodka Bottle
Found by Rob Mitchell and displayed by Chris Romero at CGE2003, is an original bottle of Mr. Boston liquor along side the only known complete Mr. Boston Cart at this site.

Playstation to Vectrex Controller Adapter
Clay Cowgill has completed his Playstation to Vectrex controller adapter. Check out the details here... is Back
The main site is back. Also, you can check out the first mirror of the site here and the other mirror of the site is here...

VecVoice Speech Generator
Even if you don't own VecVoice, Richard Hutchinson has released this Windows program that lets you phonetically construct almost any phrase and hear an approximation of how VecVoice would sound speaking it. Be sure to extract the ZIP file directly to your C drive to create a folder called WordMaker, to insure soundcard compatibility. For fun, start by trying this phonetic phrase: 'gg2 er2 iy tt2 ih ng hh ss pp rr1 ow ff eh ss ao er1 ff aa ll kk1 eh nn1' by Milan :)... Update: Milan has posted a tutorial on how to use that program. This program might just be the most fun that anyone has had without a Vectrex or emulator :)...

Zektor Adds Vectrex Monitor Compatibility...
According to legendary vector emulator programmer Zonn Moore (Cinemu, Retrocade, etc.), Zektor (a project to enable emulated arcade vector games to be played on real vector monitors) is now compatible with Vectrex units. With a little unplugging and replugging classic arcade games like Tempest, Asteroids, and the Sega vector games can be played on a Vectrex monitor. Kudos to Frank Palazzolo for his work on the drivers. Check out some pix here...

War of the Robots
In RGV, Geofury has announced his cool new game, War of the Robots. At his site there is a video preview and ordering info.

Vectrex Magazine Articles...
Courtesy Richard Hutchinson (VecRAM, VecVoice, etc.), there are 2 recent article scans from the modern Brittish Gaming Magazine, Edge. One article covers new games for classic systems and the other spotlights the Vectrex (and used this site as a reference):

"What Goes Around, Comes Around": 1 2 3 4 5 6

"Vectrex: Designer Lines": 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Updated 7-4-03: Richard's Japanese Vectrex Magazine: front 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 back

New Vectrex Site Updated
Jeroen's Vectrex site has been updated. It includes pictures from his collection, manuals, various galleries, and new graphics to use as desktop tiles... When visiting there, make sure that you have javascript turned on...

Protector Review
Courtesy Daniel Foot, we have added a review of the new game Protector to Passport Online. It's knowledgable of the original version and enthusiastic, with good reason, and includes the preview pix and link to Alex's official site... Check out more Protector talk in RGV...

New Narrow Escape Overlays
Thanks to TPB, there are now DVE overlays here for Fred Taft's Narrow Escape 2D (a hack of Narrow Escape 3D that will work as a regular game without the 3D goggles). Even with the limited palette of DVE, the 3D logo still looks cool. A preview is here. Get the ROM for Narrow Escape 2D here... More overlays to come from TBP...

Vectrex Protector Released!
Vectrex programmer Alex Herbert has released Protector, his port of Defender. Compared to the original, it's very lively and detailed. He is only making 100 carts, and there are some previews of the cool packaging here: one two three four five, and the cart can retain old high scores. The eye-popping MPEG preview is still at his site.  Contact him for ordering info Also, drop by RGV for more. Update: Protector may have a future beyond those first 100 carts. Stay tuned...

Strange New Vectrex Stand Discovered
This Jetsons-like stand is apparently a display stand from certain stores in the  Netherlands. The Digital Press thread with info about it is here...

New Teaser for B.E.T.H.
For all who have followed Manu's programming projects, there is now promise that the B.E.T.H. demo may be a fully developed project and may be nearing a final release. A preview of the box cover can be seen here. It's even VecVoice Enhanced... Update: B.E.T.H. is a new game different from the B.E.T.H. demo that's already out there, and as his RGV post shows, it's still an organic project that could turn in different directions. All we know is that the end result will be fun...

3rd Vectrex Emulator!
Thanks to Manu, we now know of a third Vectrex emulator by Valavan Manohararajah. The website hasn't been updated in almost a year so it's most likely a dead project, but the program weighs in amazingly under 40K and it runs Alex's YASI demo (does that stand for "Yet Another Space Invaders"? :), see below), which the current 2 emulators don't. Val's site includes a stand alone 6809 emulator and source codes for everything so that all can learn from what Valavan came up with...

VecRAM GUI Software
Richard has just released the GUI version of the VecRAM software that will work with any version of windows and any VecRAM hardware that's out there. The Palm/Pocket PC frontend will be similar to the windows version...  

Richard Hutchinson is now at work on VecRAM III, which will include extra RAM for the art programs which previously didn't work in multicarts. In fact, it's going to have a multicart feature complete with upgradable menu system.  There's also new software for VecRAM II that will work in any version of windows, and there's also new DOS software from Mark. For those who don't know, VecRAM allows you to play all those binaries you download on a real Vectrex...

Vec Sports Boxing Overlays
These are versions of Manu's Vec Sports Boxing overlay compatible with the DVE emulator. The download is here, and a preview screenshot is here. Also, Manu has his minigolf demo here, and his bowling demo is here.

VecSports Boxing Now Available for Download
Manu has released the binary for VecSports Boxing. Dowload it here. The charaters are colorful and the animation is cool, and it joins the list of games you can enjoy head to head with a second player...

New Space Invaders-Based Game in Development
Alex Herbert, programmer of the soon-to-be-released game Protector, has begun another game, Y*A*S*I. The binary is available at his site. It doesn't function with the emulators, but you can try it on a real Vectrex using VecRAM or an EPROM burner... Update: Alex has added a screenshot to his site that looks like the real Space Invaders arcade game. While most text on the Vectrex is rasterized, he has made an entire rasterized game...

5" Vectrex Monitor? just added Fred Konopaska's pix and construction details for a 5" vector monitor. The screenshots are from an arcade board for Space Duel (which still needs a Vectrex translation), but can be adapted to the Vectrex...

Color Passport Magazine Scans + More
Thanks to the Handheld Game Museum's Rik, new color scans of the only issue of the official Vectrex magazine Passport have been added to the Preserves section of Also, check out the other unique items there. Brett has quietly built up one of the largest Vectrex sites...

Cube Quest Still Available
The Cube Quest cart by original Vectrex programmer Paul Allen Newell is still available for purchase. Update: No longer available.

VecVoice Sounds Off
Richard Hutchinson has just posted a small .WAV file of the VecVoice in action in the game Verserk. Check it out. It sounds cool and brings arcade flavor to Vectrex Berzerk. The official site is here.

Gravitrex's Hidden Game
John Dondzila, who has shown sympathy for us hidden-game-challenged gamers in the past, has released the binary for his hidden game in Gravitrex, Paratroopers. It's a simple game, but unforgiving. If you have to ask how to get the guys that have already reached the ground, then you're already sunk, man... Post your high scores to RGV... If you have the actual cart, then the spoiler is here. Update: The download for the Gravitrex ROM is here.

VecRAM under Other OS's
Mark Robson has come up with software allowing use of other operating systems with VecRAM...

Chris Tumber in the News
No, not in our news, in the real news :). The Ottawa Citizen, Canada's 9th largest paper, has chosen to spotlight Vec programmer Chris Tumber and his various projects...

CGE2002 Photo Gallery
Courtesy Chris Romero, we've added a large gallery of photos (13MB), mostly from the game museum. Highlights: The Minicade coin-op, Tom Sloper wearing his Game Time watch, 2 different original store displays, The '82 prototype from CES (complete with apple juice can for shielding), Vectorcade controller, VecRAM, rare games, etc...

Catching Up...
Please send news to Here's some news we've missed in the last month:

  • According to Rob Mitchell's RGV thread, he will be showing many Vectrex projects at Cinciclassic (Oct 4-5, 2002) including a Mystery Game...
  • If not previously mentioned, Manu's VecSports Boxing is available for sale at Good Deal Games... and he's uploaded some new game binaries to his site...
  • Thanks to Alex Herbert, Chris T's UTG game will be able to use a cable to connect 2 Vectrexes for head to head combat. Here's the RGV thread...
  • Kristof Tuts is making progress with Vectrex Time Pilot, making improvements on Vectrexians, and an intro screen for switching between the two...
  • It looks like Clay Cowgill might be doing a Vectrex version of his Playstation controller interface. Check the RGV thread for more info...
  • Richard Hutchinson is working on VecVoice, a module that adds speech to certain games like Verzerk (Berzerk modified for speech). Those items may be sold at CinciClassic... Info about that and VecRAM at his site...

CyberRoach CGE Coverage
CyberRoach Magazine has ongoing coverage of CGE2002. Check out parts IV and VII for his Vectrex coverage and his magazine page for past CGE coverage... It includes pictures of Zector, a vector display adapter for the PC. It already has Retrocade support. Could MESS (Vectrex) support be in the works?...

Romero CGE 2002 Photo Collection
Courtesy of Brett's Vectrex Preserve all can now view Chris Romero's large photo collection from CGE2002.... Is there an apple juice can in the '82 proto? Check the pix... Update: Since there are 127MB of pictures, we've shrunk them to 13MB and added them here.

3 New Vectrex Games at CGE 2002 + More
Aside from the previously-mention game
Cube Quest by Paul NewellCGE2002, will also debut the long-awaited and well-animated VecSports Boxing by Manu (more info at Good Deal Games), as well as Mark De Smet's VeCaves (check RGV for the description). Also, currently scheduled to speak are Jay Smith and Tom Sloper. And the museum should have some pretty interesting items, many from Chris Romero...

Tsunami/VIX Available for Download and More
The Tempest-inspired Tsumani binary is here and the QIX-inspired VIX binary is here. Right now, the VIX binary doesn't work with MESS. Check out Chris' post in Email him for cartridge ordering info... Also, his early Battlezone demo has updated a little and the new binary is here.

Tsunami, VIX, and Spinnerama Are Here...
Christopher Tumber has released Tsunami (Tempest clone), VIX (QIX-inspired), and Spinnerama (several Vectrex games converted for use with the 2600 driving controller) in cart form. Email him for ordering info... And check out his site for info about his amazing Omega Chase and other projects...

Bowling Demo + More
In less than 2 hours, Manu programmed this bowling demo. Also posted are coding for adding sound or score to a game... and VecSports Boxing is ready! Get ready to rumble! Stay tuned...

Vectrex Game Reviews
The Video Game Critic site has added numerous Vectrex game reviews. The reviews are very frank (one game that I enjoy got an "F"), but all the reviews are good-spirited... URL updated 10/24/02...

Pythagorian Theorem Demo
Controller guru Rob Mitchell's first demo binary release for the Vectrex is a proof for the Pythagorian theorem. It's like a simple Powerpoint-type presentation. The theorem was first proven thousands of years ago, but just in case you needed a second opinion :)...

Battlezone Demo...
At PhillyClassic this year, Christopher Tumber debuted an early Battlezone demo binary, complete with a neat PhillyClassic logo for a title screen...

Vectrexbox and Vect-Rex
has dreamed up this cross between a Vectrex and an X-Box as well as this conception of a cross between a Vectrex and a T-Rex... I'm still trying to decide which is scarier :)...

PhillyClassic Coverage
John Dondzila has added pictures of the recent PhillyClassic gathering to his site. Click the link on the lower left of his menu bar. If you can still locate it, he posted a 52MB MPEG of the event to alt.binaries.multimedia...

Vectrex Jumble Puzzle
At Good Deal Games there is now a Vectrex Jumble puzzle to compliment the other Vectrex items there in the Puzzles section. The word search is still here, the Vectrex crossword is still here, and the site still contains interviews with most a lot of recent Vectrex programmers...

New Minestorm Overlay
RGV's Waynetrex has designed an alternate Minstorm overlay, fit for printing. An overlay set for DVE will follow shortly. If you design an overlay, send it to

Vectrex TV: Call Your Cable Company...
A while ago, there was talk of a guy named Aaron who converted a TV to play Vectrex games, utilizing the innards of a Vectrex and an arcade board from a Tempest arcade unit. Now, you can see this "Frankentrex" in action at Cyberroach's coverage of the annual NWCGE meeting.

Vectrex SoundSet for MS Entourage
Courtesy Rob Gentile, here is a Vectrex-themed Microsoft Entourage Soundset for Mac users. It plays Vectrex sounds for things like new mail, no new mail, etc.

Lionel Cordier has put together an impressive collection of overlays for both emulators. Click on the links below to download. What's included:

- Starship overlay.
- Starship rom by renaming title starTREK to starSHIP.
- Webwars overlay.
- Webwars rom by renaming title webwarP to WebwarS.
- New colors for Vpong (from pole position).
- New colors for Starwars (from star castle).

- All Good Things -> true colors
- Dark Tower -> new version
- Moon Lander -> with only one color
- Moon Lander -> green version
- Mr Boston -> colors like Cleansweep
- Spike Goes Skiing
- Spike Hoppin' -> with only one color
- Spike's wedding
- Starwars a New Hope
- Starship
- Vector Vaders
- Vpong
- Webwars
- Wormhole

Vectrex on Oregon TV
In a rare TV appearance, the Vectrex showed up in an Oregon morning show. You can see a quicktime version of the coverage here (check out the "Good Day Oregon" segment at the bottom). The segment was covering Tom's classic computer/videogame collection, and the reporter demonstrated the goggles and continually referred to the unit as a Vootrex, maybe in an attempt at humor...

Preliminary Alpha Version of Vectrex Reactor
RGV's unclefreddy has set up a WIP page for his Vectrex programming projects that includes a screenshot and preliminary binary for his Reactor clone. If you have any trouble picturing Spike and Spud starring in Reactor then check out his site and download the ROM (be careful running this version on a real Vec due to excessive brightness in the center of the screen). Another 75-80% complete project is also mentioned...

Dark Tower Source Available
Longtime Vectrex contributor Fred Taft has posted a partially reverse-engineered (but compilable) source code for Dark Tower, as well as Armor Attack and Minestorm. Grab those and his 2D version of Narrow Escape and variation of Minestorm at his site.

Gravitrex Released!
John Dondzila
has released the Gravitar-inspired game Gravitrex, which includes Patriots III. The cart version also has extra features. For ordering info or emulator downloads visit his site, and to join us in RGV for more. Meanwhile, the MPEG preview (7MB) is here. View screenshots and read the description at the Gravitrex section of Classic Game Creations.

New Vectrex Magazine Scans
Thanks to Rich "MrRetroGamer" Gallo of Retrogames-R Us, we now have scans of the Radio Electronics Vectrex article from June 1983, from their buyers guide section. It gives the Vectrex high marks for it's "images of extraordinary high quality": Scan 1  Scan 2

Vectrex Wallpaper
Manu of The Arctic Computer & Console Museum has added a cool 1024x768 Vectrex wallpaper here. I've added other sizes here: 800x600 640x480

Test Cart Overlay Scans
To help adjust your Vectrex, Chris Romero has released a 150dpi scan of the Test Cart Overlay. A 97k JPG version is here and a cleaned printable GIF version is here. If you previously had header errors with the original JPGs, give these a try.

Make Your Own 3D Goggles
According to, Ted Mason has built his own pair of 3D Goggles, from Zack Etheridge's circuit. At that site, you view design and PCB schematics. Also included are are Eddie K's designs for a 3D Imager similiar to the original housing. Check for more...

New Vectorcade Controller
Brett Walach of, has designed the Corvette of Vectrex controllers. Using arcade parts and fiberglass cases with metalflake clear coat finishes, these controllers may be some of the coolest console controllers ever made. Check out the pics and ordering info at Update: project currently on hold...

Finnish Vectrex Advertisement
At a Finnish auction site, there's a scan done by Jukka from Mikrobitti Magazine circa '84. Thanks to Manu for locating this auction scan that says that calls Scramble "Game of the Year" according to Katso Magazine (like Finnish TV Guide)...

The Color Vectrex Lives!
Apparently, at CGE2001, Jay Smith entrusted the Handheld Game Museum's Rik with the Color Vectrex Proto to see if he could revive the unit. Well, he did revive the unit and posted the results to this page. Way to go, Rik! Watch for future exhibits of the unit...

CGE 2001 - Inside the Color Vec & Romero Collection
The Handheld Game Museum has added pics from this year's CGE. Included is a picture and description of the inside of Jay Smith's Color Vectrex, as well as pictures and descriptions of Chris Romero's impressive Vectrex collection. We are still looking for Vectrex info from CGE2001. If you have news, please email us.

Windows Port of Shadow of the Lost Citadel
Programmer Stacey Davidson has completed the windows port of Shadow of the Lost Citadel, a modern 3D remake/enhancement of the classic Vectrex game Dark Tower. At his site, Salsagames, you can view the press release, links to coverage, screenshots, and order the game (for immediate download). The smoothly rendered 3D environment and the spooky/digitized sound are all well executed.

Vectrex Minicade Page
Nico has come through again with an english language webpage for his Minicade acquisition. Minicade was an arcade game made by putting a Vectrex in an arcade cabinet.

Tumber Updates: Battle, Scroll
There is an early Battle binary, and while it's not a continuing project (only a scrolling background), it's interesting to see a Battlezone-type background on the Vec. Another binary, Scroll, is another scrolling background that is the beginning of a 3D engine...
Previously: The early SDI binary (from CR's game idea) was updated...

LaserMAME: Vector Emulation on a Laser Projector
While not a new project (it started October 2000), we've garnered enough hits from LaserMAME announcements to consider it on-topic. And why not? When LaserMAME is perfected then a laser version of MESS (the Vectrex emulator) can't be far behind :)...

Handheld Vectrex?
Nah. But if you're wondering what playing Vectrex on a Palm Pilot might be like (can you say 'net play?), then Richard Hutchinson has provided these mock pictures: one  two  three  four

Mr. Boston Clean Sweep Released
Chris Romero, who had already authorized his dump of the very rare Mr. Boston Clean Sweep on the Kelly Multicart, has now openly released the ROM, which can be downloaded here. The liquor company Mr. Boston distributed arranged and distributed a customized promotional version of Clean Sweep. It surfaced a couple of years ago in a very expensive Ebay auction, with Chris as the winner. Check out some scans of the box and overlay here. Thanks to Chris for his generosity.

New 3D Rotating Tank Demo
According to Christopher Tumber, Ronen Habot and Tom Verbure have been working on a 3D Tank Demo, not unlike the old 3D demo by Clay Cowgill, but more advanced. The tank rotates smoothly and the perspective is accurate throughout (if the perspective looks messed up then just give your eyes a minute to adjust). The file for emulators is here and you can read more in RGV. Could this demo develope into a game? Stay tuned...

New Wormhole Overlays for DVE Emulator
Soren is back doing overlays, this time for the recently-released neoclassic game Wormhole. Visit the emulation page for the download or click here. A preview is here. The game can be downloaded here. The  Vectopia cartridge (with Wormhole) can be bought here.

Vectrex Arcade Machines Surface...
On Ebay and at a flea market, Vectrexes in arcade cabinets (from '82?) have surfaced. The closed auction with pictures is here. More info soon.

John Dondzila
has just released the world's second 64k Vectrex ROM for his latest multigame, Vectopia (find it in his File Archives section). He's ready for cartridge orders at his site. The ROM binaries for the emulators are locally stored  here (updated 3/13 with bugfix for DVE). A preview MPEG is here. Here's what's included:

- Wormhole
- Trakkers
- Vectropolis 500
(4 player, 9 track demo)
- Spike's Water Balloons (analog control version)
- Controller Test
- Drafts from the drawing board: Mad Planetoids, Star Fire Level I+II, Star Fury

Incidentally, Vectopia's completion date of March 8th was John's birthday and the 5 year anniversary of his Vector Vaders (the first homebrew Vectrex game)...

Vectrex Easter Egg Page at DP
At Digital Press, there is now a very good page dedicated to Vectrex easter eggs, tips, and rumored easter eggs. If you have any additions for the page, you can submit them to Scott.

Rounders Now Supports Atari Driving Controller
For the first time, a Vectrex game adds support for an unmodified controller from another system. Rounders is Ronen Habot's Pong-in-the-round game. Plug the driving controller into port #1 and a regular controller into port #2. The binary ROM is here, and the source code is at Ronen's site.

Funny Vectrex Product Parody
Travelfish, has come up with a mock up of an unusual Vectrex product that somehow aids DJs. The 2 scans are very detailed with little touches like re-written game descriptions (kinda hard to read, so a zoomed version is here). The 2 scans are here and here.

Congrats to Christopher Tumber
Digital Press has awarded Omega Chase the Best Homebrew of the Year award for 2000 as part of their Classic Video Game Achievement Awards. Tour De France, which had a quiet debut (outside of the Vectrex community), was runner up for Classic Game of the Year.

Magic 8-Ball Demo
Christopher L Tumber, who had a little free time, came up with a version of Magic 8-Ball for Vectrex. The binary for emulators is here. Hold down button 4 to start shaking the 8-ball, ask your question, and then release.

Battlezone on the Vectrex!
Well, sort of. Andy, from the newsgroup, has figured out a way to get his Battlezone arcade board to display on his Vectrex. Initially, he had some fun with the group by posting screenshots, claiming that he had found an unmarked Vectrex cart somewhere and that he was looking for info on this previously unheard of prototype :)  Here are the pictures:  one two three four five

For those who remember, James G Watt proposed running Battlezone on a Vectrex monitor as part of a Mini Arcade Machine project...

Vec-Amp Screenshot
While Vec-Amp 2.0 is ancient news, I've only just now found a screenshot made by one of the MP3 Winamp Skin sites. Get the skin for your Winamp here.

Kelly Vectrex Multicart 2.0
Sean Kelly's multicart has been a long mainstay for people first discovering vectrex or people without a complete collection of games. His multicart is now being updated to version 2.0 and includes the games released since version 1.0. And for those who already have a Kelly Multicart, he'll upgrade your 1.0 cart to 2.0 for only $12. Visit his site for ordering details Update: cart orders and site are currently on hold...
Credit for the Mr Boston binary goes to Chris Romero, who obtained it at some expense, exhibited it at CGE2000, and offered it for use on future Kelly multicarts...
If you still need to the Ronen Multicart (VectRace and Vaboom!, not on the Kelly Multicart) please visit Mark's Video Game Manufacturing.
If you need instructions for those games, the largest instructions archive is here. We'll add the Vecmania instructions soon.

Vectrex Store Display MIB
The Handheld Game Museum has added pics of a mint-in-box Vectrex retail store display. It's now the ultimate way for a lucky few to show off their Veccy. Elsewhere in the Vectrex section are some other interesting items...

Correction: Sports Time Watch Video
We recently mentioned Steve Bender's MPEG of GCE's Sports Time game watch and identified it with Tom Sloper. Well, while Tom has done some classic watches, it appears that Patrick King actually designed Sports Time...oops :)  Thanks to Tom for the correction. To browse the game instructions see Steve's RGV post. Tom's site can be found here and in our links.

HyperDrive Steering Controller
Steve Bender turned a a controller with a broken off joystick into an analog steering controller. Check out  pix of the resulting controller here.

"Tour de France" Finally Available To All
To all who have waited 16 years for Mark Indictor's Tour de France to surface, it now has. The binary is available here (courtesy Nicholas Sapin). For those true Vectrex fans, you'll want to order your cart through Mark Shaker to experience it on a real Vectrex. While the game was never finalized, it is a prototype that is a lot of fun to play...

CGE Coverage/Pics
While my CGE article struggles along, you can visit Classicgaming and Digital Press for CGE coverage that includes pics, descriptions, and, at Classicgaming, the content of the Vectrex lecture. Also, now CyberRoach has put up his predictably thorough CGE review, like he did last year, which includes Vectrex-related pictures...

Tom Sloper, Bill Hawkins, 'Tour de France' at CGE 2K...
At Classic Gaming Expo 2000 (in Las Vegas this weekend), game designer Tom Sloper and Vectrex programmer Bill Hawkins represented the Vectrex with lots of insights (more later). Also, CGE 2K had the debut of the never-released Tour de France prototype, courtesy Mark Shaker, who was selling carts of TDF for $10! To purchase it, I suspect you'll want to visit his site after he returns home ...Realaudio clips from last year's 'Vectrex Guys' lecture can be heard here. Also, Chris Romero's Mr. Boston Clean Sweep was on display...not actually playing but the box, cart, instructions, and overlay were behind glass...also on display were sections from prototype 3D goggle glasses courtesy Mr Hawkins...

Labyrinth Demo Adds Two Patrolling Monsters
Chris Salomon has added to his first-person maze demo two monsters that walk the halls of the maze to [greet?] you. If that isn't foreboding enough, you already get to explore around to the Moonlight Sonata as a spooky voice speaks to you, keeping you oriented as you turn. Get the ROM file for emulators here ( The ZIP file includes the source code, for those interested in seeing how it's done. And development on it continues...

Omega Chase Carts Are Shipping...
Christopher L Tumber's long appreciated game Omega Chase is finally a cartridge, and is paired with 'Omega Chase Deluxe' and a mystery bonus game. The Regular Edition is $20 and the 'Collector's Edition' ($50) includes a signed and numbered cart as well as a version of OCD with infinite lives. His RGV announcement and ordering info are here and his new site location is here.

Alternate Berzerk, Star Trek, Polar Rescue
From GCE, these dumps of prototype carts include a bugfixed Berzerk, a prototype Polar Rescue, and an alternate Star Trek. Download them using the links above.

VectRace and Vaboom! as a Multigame
Ronen Habot has finalised and released these two games in a single binary file for the emulators, soon to be in cartridge form. Both games are able to function with the converted Atari paddle controller. You can locally download the binary for emulators here.

Presenting: The Woodgrain Vectrex
Well, a conceptual picture of one anyhow...this image comes from manu of the The Arctic Computer & Console Museum... Also, you can see his White Vectrex here and his Chrome Vectrex here.

Some Overlays You Probably Don't Have
Soren Krogh recently printed out some of the newer overlays onto transparency and added a paper backing to the opaque areas. It's interesting to see these overlays that no one else has. See them here.

Printable Dark Tower Overlay
If you want to recreate this rare overlay that doesn't exist in the wild, here is an actual-size/300dpi/cleaned-up version. We have a scan of the original overlay thanks to Sean Kelly of Digital Press. Also, I've converted the scan into a set of overlays for the DVE emulator.

Sound Demos: Madonna, Dr. Who, Jaws, Prokofiev...
I had some free time so, using VecSound, I made 5 new sound demos for Vectrex emulator users or Vectrex cartridge makers...These 5 pieces are far different than anything you've yet heard from your Vectrex :)  The zip file with the binaries is here.

It's the world's first 64k Vectrex cartridge! It has 8 new games packed into two 32k banks. To play Vecmania on one of the emulators, here are the two binaries, or download the individual games or order the cartridge itself at John Dondzila's site. If you're playing on the MESS emulator then you may want to go to the options menu and remap the buttons/joystick to suit your tastes. When your cartridge arrives in the mail you can also play some of the games by plugging in an Atari joystick. Here are the games:

  • Star Fire Spirits
  • Repulse
  • Birds of Prey
  • Vector Vaders Remix
  • Patriots Remix
  • Rockaroids Remix
  • Disc Duel Demo
  • Abyss Demo

New Moon Lander Overlays - [preview]
Not only do these new overlays add graphics to the game but actually turn it into a full color vector game (when used with DVE 2.0 b7+). The game can be found in and the overlays are on the emulation page.

Moon Lander Final Released
The binary of Clay Cowgill's excellent final version of Moon Lander has been publically released. Including some coding by Chris Salomon, the gameplay, the animation, the music (even music for the pause mode), and the excellent speech synthesis (which DVE can't emulate?...others seem to have had better luck than I) are not to be missed. The file is here. If you'd like to purchase the cartridge, try here.
          Sample: a realaudio clip of the voice counting down

Vectrex C Compiler Beta
I'm re-announcing it because of emails I've received from people unable to download it. If you're familiar with programming in C and are interested in writing Vectrex games, then this should help. Although a beta, it works well.


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